One small reason for all the work on the outside kitchen was that we have to continue laying the main drains under it, with all the connections for the sink in the outside kitchen and other services. So with the work on the walls approaching the end of the first phase it is now the time to dig the trench for the drains... To be honest I have been dreading this as there is not much soil around here so it was likely that we would have to dig the trench through solid rock.
We were in luck though.... as we found an old drain that ran from the garden at the right depth right through the kitchen to the old water tank that will be the bathroom. This took a good bit of excavating (including the demise of our heavy duty SDS drill) but once this was excavated, it only needed widening a little, it was simple to lay the drain...
Excavated trench outside,
under the kitchen,
And out to the entrance wayOK the connection to the existing part of the drain was a little complicated but in the end it all went in OK and was coved with concrete.
And here's the wobbly bit...Next to go in was the pipes for the grey water and rain / ground water drain. A little more work as the grey water drain includes the kitchen and outside kitchen sink drains and also needed to be cut into the existing grey water drain the goes to the temp. kitchen.
Cutting the new grey water drain into the current one
All the drains laidYou will notice as well as laying drains there are lots of power conduits going in for power to the outside kitchen and the outside loo (will one day be where the washing machine will go...) and lighting.