Saturday, June 18, 2011

The start of the steps, and onions

The main task for this summer it again to try and get the rest of the house painted, before we can do this we have to get the ground out side the front of the house up to a level, We had started this a while back just before Helen had her problems with the blood pressure.


Anyway today we finally got to pick up where we left off before. The first item on the list was to prepare the foundation for the wall which will go up to extend the steps a little wider. Embedded in this is a tube (the big red one) which will carry the pipe for the watering under the path.DSCF3729

Another thing is that most of the onions have done well and are starting to go over which means that they are about ready to pull up.


This weird looking structure is in fact the old wooden railing which used to be alongside the steps but needed to be taken out before we could do the work. Once we have finished this will be fixed up and made good before being put back alongside the new steps.

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