Now before we can lay the next section there’s just one more thing to do. We need a little more soil just to bring the level up just a few inches.
With that and the manhole done we can pour the next section of the lower patio.
Where are we getting the soil? We are digging out a section on the next level down which will be the foundation for a wall that will go in, in the future to make the path down better.
In the garden things are doing we have harvested the Broccoli and will get a few more bits of them soon, the Cauliflowers are coming soon and we shall eat them starting this week. the first lot of Onions are maturing nicely, along with the Beetroot.
A second crop of Onions has gone in.
And we are trying and experiment this year Garlic… not that we expect a vampire apocalypse soon.
The first crop of potatoes has come out and in there place are the Beans, Peas, and later Maize.
And the second crop of potatoes is just beginning to pop up. One big problem this year is that we have had a very dry winter, almost no rainfall, so we have had to water the crops manually.