Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The magical tunneling seal...

Dan Has arrived for a two week visit, but he says that he is not here for a rest, but to work... GREAT! So we have put him to work tunnelling into the old water tank that will be the bathroom. its over half a meter thick at the base and part rock and concrete.

A happy drilling sealy

So of Sealy went with the new heavy drill and half an hour later the drill started to spark and quit... So he was left with hammer and chisel

Now just left with a hammer and chisel

And it was not that long and he was through.....

We have break through

A hole in the wall .

OK we now have the hole so we have to put the drains in... Oh and we need to get the drill repaired or swapped for a new one...

1 comment:

Sheila, Canary Islands said...

Sealy would be a handy person to have in Colditz with you, wouldn't he?