Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time for Salads

The lettuce seedlings have finally got big enough to be planted out so its time to get the new bed ready. The idea is to try some underground watering later when it is needed in a month or so time, so that needs to go in first. As seen below the under ground watering consists of a set a pipes some of which allow the water to seep out slowly.

Underground wating pipes ready to be beried in the lettuce bed The lettuce watering ready to be burred.

With the watering in, its time to plant the lettuce out.

Helen Planting the LettuceThis is not a pretty site!!! 

After planting. Well that's that done. notice the second seed cover with carrots, onions and beetroot.

After a trip to the famers market we have added tomatoes, peppers and calabacĂ­ns (courgettes).  Also notice the potatoes are coming a long well in the background.

More veg The veg patch is starting to look good.

Leeks, lettuice and courgettes More veg

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